I have been selling a few valves on Ebay , mainly to get feedback from customers on how they buy valves and get their viewpoint. It has been a great learning expereince and I should say thank you to all those folks who asked questions via Ebay messaging. It was very valuable feedback.
I rapidly learned that I was too close to the subject matter to understand folks real concerns.
The headline on my valves on Ebay proudly claimed 120 day warranty so I thought I am offering the best warranty on the planet for valves folks will love this. However, on person came along and asked why I was only offering 120 day warranty when the usual on products is one year. So instead of me looking really good I was looking really bad !!
Most folks on Ebay dont mention the warranty on the new valves that they sell and of course to the average person their perception is that the warranty is 12 months . WRONG !!
I did some research on the websites of the big Ebay sellers and the warranty is typically 90 days on new valves and can be as low as 30 days on NOS ( new old stock).
A few weeks I wrote in this blog about why valves fail and you can go read it . In summary, valves are 100 year old technology and are mechanical devices with a heater like a light bulb filament. They are much less reliable than solid state stuff.
So to be honest all of the other dealers are offering a fair warranty and you cannot expect a 1 year warrant on old stock that is 50 years old ! 30 days is perfectly reasonable for old stock and 90 days is perfectly reasonable.
Here are links to Marshall and Fender and while the warranty is 2 years or more on their valve amps the warranty on the valves is 90 days. I have cut and apste from their repsective websites
If you bring or send your unit to us to be fixed and it is not under warranty the repair work carried out is covered by the service warranty for 6 months. But if valves are changed they are only covered by a 3 months warranty.
All Fender and Squier guitars and amps sold by an authorised UK dealer are warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase. Please contact the dealer where the product was purchased at the first sign of a fault developing. If necessary the dealer will then contact Fender GBI to make arrangements to have the product inspected. Any defective components that qualify for coverage under this warranty will be repaired or replaced (at Fender’s discretion) without charge…..( continues)… and then one point made is …..Valves after 90 days from the date of purchase.
So, me offering 120 day warranty is a definitely a good deal ! Watch out for our new shop coming here very soon. You will like what we have done !!
“Why don’t valves ( tubes) have One Year warranty ?”