I thought this might be useful info if you are looking for guitar courses online.
By chance I met a nice chap from Edinburgh called Ged. He has put lot of effort to make a really nice website with online guitar lessons and there are a lot of free guitar lessons and not just for beginners. He leads the Guitar Music Intitute and is based in Edinburgh.
There are also more advanced course to which you can subscribe.
Here is an overview of the free courses on this page . Click here . There are backing tracks on the site too.
You can view the whole Guitar and Music Institute website on http://www.guitarandmusicinstitute.com/ and see their online courses. It always worth looking at free stuff to start and this gives you a good feel for the tutor. When you can try before you buy it is always worth a look .
I have financial interest in this business or any other motivation other than just mentioning stuff that be be useful !
Looking for Guitar Courses Online