JJ 5881 Singles, Matched Pairs & Quads
The JJ 5881 is a rich sounding valve from JJ Electronic, available here as singles, matched pairs, and matched quads. A 23 watt tube and rated for a maximum plate voltage of 400Vdc, the 5881 first entered the market in 1954.
All valves tested in-house at real amp voltages with the matching process performed by hand for the best possible quality. Valves are audio checked for noise and microphonics. We also have these valves factory matched and we refine the process. Includes a certificate with the matching results.
Many amplifiers with higher plate voltages and a tube rectifier can use the JJ Electronic 5881 without issue. A prime example is the ’59 Bassman LTD. However, it’s also critical to rebias the amp, heeding the 5881’s 23W rating. This will provide a vintage tone and clean headroom. Leaving the bias set to a 6L6GC setting and/or using the JJ 5881 in a high voltage amp with a solid-state rectifier will likely cause problems and not covered by warranty.
Quality valves made in Slovakia. The JJ 5881 is an excellent value for the money.
Includes a 180 day from receipt warranty (excluding user-caused mechanical damage) for peace of mind.