TAD EL84-CZ Premium Matched Pair


The TAD EL84-CZ Premium Matched Pair gives most amps an extra powerful bass response. Be careful with amps that already have fat bass and make sure their speaker can handle the increased bottom end, as it might become too much.

Availability: 4 in stock

The TAD EL84-CZ Premium Matched Pair gives most amps an extra powerful bass response. Be careful with amps that already have fat bass and make sure their speaker can handle the increased bottom end, as it might become too much.
The EL84-CZ is the most powerful EL84 valve we have ever heard. Big tone and very dynamic. Our recommendation, if a powerful tone is what you are looking for.
d= 22,5mm
Due to its diameter of 22.5mm, the TAD EL84-Cz does not fit into older Marshall DSL401 and UK made VOX AC15 TBX amplifiers.
Q: When does a power valve become a Premium Selected power valve?
A: All power valves labelled Premium Selected have passed the following tests:
–      Plate Current (PC) and Amplification (TC)
–      Low Noise Test
–      Microphonic Test
–      Sonic Tests
–      Shock Tests
–      Listening Tests
–      Shorts & Leakage Tests
Premium RT-Matching of Power Valves
Our Premium Matching is an exact matching of power valves with identical Plate Current (PC) and Transconductance (TC).
TAD Premium Selected valves are guaranteed for a period of 6 months (according to terms of warranties) for the quality criteria mentioned above.
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